Decisions, decisions. We’re all making hundreds of them every day. From the instinctive decisions we don’t think twice about to those that are more consciously tricky and require a bit more consideration.
When we find it hard to decide we have a tendency to go in the opposite direction from the one which is most useful. We tend to think harder instead of “letting go”. The result is often damaging over thinking, tying ourselves in an emotional knot. Far from the answer becoming clearer we make the waters muddier.
We have been sold the idea that choice = freedom but it doesn’t. Indications are that, as choice has increased, so has dissatisfaction. This is because our lives are more complex when there are an infinite number of choices, and we have the possibility of missing out. If I make a choice, what about all the options I didn’t choose.
There is a wonderful TED talk on the paradox of choice.
I can help you take an objective view of your options, and pose some questions which might help you to see things more clearly.