A need we all share as humans is to keep moving forward, to keep growing. Sometimes we reach a point in our lives where we seem to have reached a plateau, and the more we search for a direction in which to grow the harder it seems to be.
When we are unsure of “what next?” or we are struggling to make best use of our own qualities it can be hard to see our options objectively, and it doesn’t always help matters when we turn to close friends and family because they have a stake in our lives which is impossible to set aside.
The benefit in speaking to someone completely unconnected with your life is that the focus is wholly and unashamedly on you. An impartial and non-judgmental third party can challenge you in ways you may not have considered and help you look at your situation in a new light.
Knowing what drives you, being clear about which aspects of your life are working well and the ones you’d like to change or improve and then, most of all, how to do it all, is the foundation of leading a fulfilling and sustainable existence.
The investment you make in you is one that can never be anything other than wholly justified.