How To Start A Business
Soon after I had decided to give up a highly paid job in business and set up on my own practice I was at a weekend professional development course for therapists. In one of the coffee breaks one of my fellow students said to me “So what do you do?” I said “I do this. I’m a therapist”. She looked surprised “Really? You get enough clients?” I hadn’t considered that this might be an issue.
When you are considering striking out of your own its natural to have anxiety mixed in with the excitement.
“What if it fails?”
“What if nobody wants to buy my product/use my service”?
These concerns about the loss of the certainty we feel with a regular salary are largely based in a mythical assumption that paid employment is “safe” while self employment is “dangerous”. What’s really dangerous is failing to do something that makes you feel alive and looking forward to getting out of bed.
The step from considering going alone and making the decision can feel like a huge one, so that’s why you might benefit from having support from someone who has actually done it.
I can help you work out what fears you have about starting a business, and then work with you to move them out of the way.
I’ve never met anyone who regrets the decision to work for themselves, and I can help you become one of them.