How To Be A Leader
In the twenty five years I spent in corporate life one of the most significant lessons I learned was the difference between being a leader and a manager.
For many people there might not appear to be an obvious distinction, but they are different both in what they mean and the results they achieve.
If you have achieved a position of authority, or you want to increase your level of influence the chances are you are managing when you need to be leading
Managers can get things done but change is less sustainable, less impactful and the roots don’t dig far enough into the ground.
Leaders and truly valuable. Managers are truly replaceable.
Being a leader means creating a compelling vision of the future and taking your team towards it with you. People follow leaders not because they have to but because they want to, not because of fear but because of trust.
Successful businesses cannot thrive without good leaders.
If you want to understand how to become a better leader, or transition from manager into leader, I can help you.
One more thing. We have been taught to value the extrovert in leadership but, while extroversion often looks and sounds impressive, the introverted leader is a truly powerful animal.
If you feel that your introverted or quiet persona is not ideal for leadership I have some thoughts which will challenge that perspective.