Help To Stop Smoking Forever
Deciding to stop smoking is one of the most important decisions you can make for your health and wellbeing. Maybe you have tried to give up smoking before, maybe you have lost confidence in your ability to give up smoking or maybe you’ve just had enough and you want to regain control. Whatever your concerns and previous experiences, provided you are committed to stop smoking, you can achieve it in only two hours.
An important aspect of your success is quitting smoking will be embedding the idea that you are a non smoker rather than a smoker who happens to have stopped. This might seem to be a small thing but it makes a big difference. In my stop smoking hypnosis programme I will create a session specifically tailored to you which is the best way to ensure success and your emergence as a happy and successful non-smoker.
If you are serious about smoking cessation and you really want to stop smoking, putting tobacco behind you for good make an appointment to see me. Depending on the number of cigarettes you smoke you will have recovered the cost in just a few weeks, and in the process probably added years of improved health to your valuable life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your success rate?
It’s hard to answer this one because once people stop smoking they don’t always come back and tell me that they are still not smoking twelve months down the line. Some do, but really the question itself is missing the point. If you want to stop smoking it is YOUR success rate we need to focus on. My skill is not to do the work for you but to put you in touch with the resources you already have to make and sustain the change. I’m good at that bit.
What if I can’t be hypnotised?
Everyone can, and your perceptions of hypnosis are probably inaccurate anyway. Nobody can make you do something you don’t want to do and you are never in a state in which you have “lost control”. Think of hypnosis as a state of openness, where your conscious mind has drifted off (like daydreaming) and your unconscious is open. If you ever drove somewhere, arrived and realised that you didn’t remember much of the journey THAT’s hypnosis, and it happens to all of us.
How long does it take?
We’ll complete the work in two sessions. The first lasts around 45 minutes and the second one takes an hour. IN the first I will find out as much as I can about your smoking habit and then build a second session specifically for you. There is nothing generic or “off the shelf” about my programme. In session two we will do the hypnosis and that’s it.
If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I really want to help you make this incredibly positive change.